22. July 2020

Small version of a world cup – PSBC Leukerbad

Last Sunday I started into my XC season 2020.  The Proffix Swiss Bike Cup race took place in Leukerbad. I surprisingly was barely nervous. I felt good and was really looking forward to compete in a race again.

One hour before the start I went on the racecourse for the first time. The organisation determined training time slots for all athletes (unfortunately a lot of them didn’t stick to these times). I did one single lap on the track. Unfortunately I crashed in a corner. I tried to not let this crash bother myself before my race. After that the race started soon. The start was really fast. I needed way to much time to find into my rhythm. I lost some positions. Due to that I couldn’t ride as fast as I wanted in some sections and the majority of the downhill. I lost a lot of time there. After that I was able to ride my constant pace and to catch up some riders. In the end I finished the race on place 30 elite woman. In this race a lot of strong as well as international athletes participated. It was kinda small version of a world cup. I am not really happy with the ranking. I thought I would be able to ride stronger in this race. Neverthless I am proud I didn’t give up myself mentally after this bad start. Next Sunday, next chance with the second xc race, Swiss Champioship in Gränichen.

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